
We deeply believe that supporting children from early childhood to develop a sensitive, compassionate and cooperative relationship with each other and the natural world is a crucial step in creating consciousness about how we treat our environment and our planet. However, eco-pedagogy is not for children only since even in adult age there is so much to re-think, observe and understand. 

We have created an overarching and complete eco-pedagogy program that consists of 6 visits and can be held in both Portuguese and English languages. During the visit, we engage the participants to dive into the theory and practice of various sustainability topics, essential to understand the interconnectivity of the human and nature. These are

  • Water
  • Soil
  • Planting and harvesting
  • Healthy food
  • Farm animals and pollinators
  • Composting, recycling, and live-cycle of materials

From our experience, we can affirm that the positive impact on the participants is overwhelming – not only they learn a lot and increasingly loose the insecurity of being surrounded by nature, but also get highly inspired to change their habits and bring these insights home.
These are the young seeds we seed to spread a positive change into the world.

Sustainable Treasure Hunt is another special program created here at MAARA that addresses groups of younger children, which schedule permits them to visit our site for just a couple of hours during a school outing. This playful program connects educational information about various sustainability topics, ‘hidden’ at various checkpoints of the treasure hunt game, with physical activities in a natural and save environment. We encourage the children to use all their senses by observing, touching, tasting, smelling, and listening to their environment like this making this experience truly unforgettable.

The importance of creating a sustainable attitude towards our environment is undisputable, however, everyone has different interests, necessities, and possibilities to engage with it. With respect to each individual situation, our experienced team will assist you to customize your unforgettable experience at MAARA.

We can

  • receive groups up to 30 participants,
  • adjust our program to the age-group of the participants and come with suggestions to include or exclude certain topics,
  • design a program for one full day, half a day or various sequenced visits,
  • arrange transport,
  • offer snacks, fruit and drinks, or full vegetarian meals,
  • offer overnight accommodation and camping,
  • spoken language English or Portuguese.

Please, enter in contact and request a complete proposal for your fully personalized eco-experience.